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       2024-2025 Salary Supplement Processing News

Please submit all supplement requests starting first date of school through WAW and supplements that start later in the school year should be submitted on SARF form after we complete the WAW - Supplement Batch Process.

We CANNOT provide  a list of your 2023-2024 Supplement List.   Schools need to build their list from scratch to avoid overpayments.  Alternative Supplement Model Supplements are NOT submitted via WAW and separate instructions will be emailed.

    Batch  Supplement Processing Revised Schedule for 2024-2025

SEPTEMBER - Monday, 9/23/2024 through Friday,9/27/2024 : Schools input salary supplement requests through WAW - Supplement Maintenance in SAP

OCTOBER  - Tuesday,10/1/2024 through Tuesday, 10/8/2024 : Supplement Approving Offices will review salary supplements requested by schools for approval.

PAYCHECK 10/18/2024 - 1st paycheck to reflect approved salary supplements and RETRO

       User Guide/Guidelines/Forms


M-DCPS : 1450 NE 2nd Ave. : Miami, FL 33132 : Phone: (305) 995-1000 (For Non Technical Questions Only) © 2017